Tutorial Action Plan

The degree program has implemented a Tutorial Action Plan (PAT) coordinated by the University of A Coruña.

The PAT's main objective is to offer students a point of reference within the center who can guide them throughout their academic journey and provide them with access to any necessary information during their four years of study.

For further information, students should contact Javier Martín Odriozola Chéné

As part of the PAT, at the beginning of each academic year, students have the opportunity to attend two introductory sessions about the degree program.

During the first session, members of the Dean's Office, as well as those responsible for Internships, Mobility Programs, and the Tutorial Action Plan, provide information about the Faculty and the Degree Program in which they are enrolled. They also offer students the opportunity to join the Tutorial Action Plan.

In the second session, organized by Library Services and Audio-Visual Media Technicians, students are informed about the services available to them at UDC.

Throughout all four years of study, students may consult with their assigned tutor on topics related to career guidance, as well as decisions regarding curriculum specialization that will enhance employment prospects after graduation.