Internal Quality Assurance

The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the Faculty of Communication Sciences seeks to guarantee the quality of the center and of the degrees taught here.

Our IQAS was carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the FIDES-AUDIT Program of the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Galicia (ACSUG), and in accordance with the Quality Assurance Criteria and Guidelines of the EEES.

The main objective of the Quality Committee of the Faculty of Communication Sciences is to guarantee the quality of all the degrees taught at the Center. All the groups of the University Community are represented there: students, teachers, administration and services personnel.

Its functions include:

    • Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the Internal Quality Assurance System of each of the degrees.

    • Establish and fix the quality policy of the different degrees in accordance with the Center's quality policy and with the UDC's quality policy.

    • Coordinate the formulation of the annual objectives of the Center; and monitor and evaluate the proposed quality objectives.

    • Collect information, indicators and evidence on the development of the training program of the degrees (objectives, acquisition of skills, learning outcomes).

    • Make proposals for the review and improvement of degrees and determine their degree of compliance.

    • Promote and disseminate the Quality Policy among all stakeholders.

    • Develop the annual Monitoring Self-report of each degree.

    • Coordinate and distribute the public information of the Center's Quality System, so that it is accessible to the entire university community belonging to it.