The post-production lab has six video editing stations with HD and SD outputs, as well as a stereoscopic work station.
The technician responsible is Nestor Meizoso | Ext: 4919.
Audiovisual materials for academic work may be reserved for loan here.
In order to use the lab, you must respect the following rules:
1. The equipment may only be used for the creation of practical work for academic qualification.
2. Materials may only be borrowed or returned in the presence of a media technician, who will check the condition of the materials.
3. The corresponding request forms must be filled out and signed by the supervising professor in order to borrow equipment.
4. Equipment is loaned for a period of 48 hours, renewable if necessary.
5. Late return of equipment will result in a one month suspension of permission to use lab equipment and media.
6. It is recommended to check equipment and communicate any imperfections prior to borrowing, as any damage found after the equipment's return will be considered the fault of the last borrower. br>
7. Any damage caused by improper use of equipment will be sanctioned with a six month suspension of access to lab materials.
8. The lab's post-production equipment will be used under the supervision of an audiovisual media technician. Any problems with the equipment must be communicated to the technician or professor in charge.
9. It is strictly forbidden to bring food or drink into the lab, audio booths, sound-stage, or sound studio.